Interfaith Community Services Financial Assistance Program - Central


(520) 297-6049


Individuals and families in emergency financial situations in Pima County

Intake Process:

Call for information and availability as changes may occur daily; visit website for intake form and to determine if applications are being accepted; does not accept drop-ins


Provides emergency financial assistance for people in need throughout Pima County. Includes assistance for rent, mortgage, utilities, prescriptions, birth certificate and identification card fees, and work-related expenses such as bus passes and gas vouchers. New funds available at the beginning of each month.


Mon-Thu beginning at 9am by phone; Mon-Thu beginning at 8:45am online applications

Program Fees:



English, Spanish

Handicap Accessible?


Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers assist as intake workers and answer phones.

Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

May 1, 2024

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