Arizona Spinal Cord Injury Association


5025 E Washington St
Ste 110
Phoenix, AZ 85034-7438

(602) 507-4209


Spinal Cord Injury Association


People with spinal cord injuries or any other disability, their caregivers, family, and friends.

Intake Process:

Call, email, visit website, or write


Provides information and support for people with spinal cord injuries. Offers support groups, social and recreational programs, skill classes, and peer mentoring. Also provides local transportation, and day and overnight trips for people in wheelchairs. Holds public meetings for discussion of issues and opportunities facing people with disabilities.


Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Program Fees:

None for information; transportation fees based on need and distance


English, Spanish

Handicap Accessible?



Accepts donations of laptop computers in working condition and durable medical equipment in good condition.

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

5025 E Washington St
Ste 110
Phoenix, AZ 85034-7438


5025 E Washington St
Ste 110
Phoenix, AZ 85034-7438

Date of Official Change:

January 1, 2024

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