Casa Grande Public Works Department


3181 N Lear Ave
North Operations Center
Casa Grande, AZ 85122-7925

(520) 421-8625


No restrictions

Intake Process:

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Responsible for operating, maintaining, and upgrading city infrastructure systems. Provides technical advice and guidance to the public and City management. Responsible for trash and recycling pickup and disposal and sewer services in Casa Grande. Accepts, investigates, and resolves complaints of sewer problems, potholes, street sign and traffic signal problems. Responsible for street maintenance, signals, signs, striping, street improvements, storm water drainage, sweepers, and grading. Responsible for the collection, treatment and recharge of the City's wastewater.


Mon-Fri 7am-4pm administration

Program Fees:



English, Spanish

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Address Listings


3181 N Lear Ave
North Operations Center
Casa Grande, AZ 85122-7925

Physical (Primary)

3181 N Lear Ave
North Operations Center
Casa Grande, AZ 85122-7925

Phone Numbers


(520) 421-8625

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Date of Official Change:

August 1, 2024

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