WACOG A Hand Up Housing Counseling Program - Mohave County


208 N 4th St
Kingman, AZ 86401-5815

(928) 753-6247



No restrictions; no income requirements

Intake Process:



Conducts eight-hour workshops explaining the steps to achieve home ownership. Provides pre- and post-purchase counseling, reverse mortgages, budgeting and financial empowerment classes, youth financial capability classes, and foreclosure counseling. Also provides down payment assistance and loan application assistance. HUD-approved housing counseling agency.


Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

Program Fees:

Vary by service


English, Spanish

Handicap Accessible?


Address Listings


1235 S Redondo Center Dr
Yuma, AZ 85365-2039

Physical (Primary)

208 N 4th St
Kingman, AZ 86401-5815


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

December 1, 2023

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