Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Business Tax Information

Programs that provide information and guidance for proprietors of businesses, particularly small businesses, who need to understand the tax laws as they apply to people in their situation or which offer details regarding special tax credits that are relevant to businesses.

Federal Income Tax Information

Programs that provide information and guidance for individuals who need to understand the federal tax laws as they apply to people in their situation.

Local Income Tax Information

Programs that provide information and guidance for individuals who need to understand the local tax laws as they apply to people in their situation.

Property Tax Information

Programs that provide information and guidance for people who need to understand the property tax laws as they relate to individuals in their situation. Most states have provisions for property tax relief, but they vary widely in form. Some jurisdictions levy the tax and provide a true refund of all or a portion of the paid tax; some exempt the property altogether; some defer the property tax until after the death of the owner and then recoup the tax from the proceeds of the sale of the property; some have a blanket exemption in which all property owners over the age of 65 are exempt from all property taxes regardless of income; and some allow a tax credit to be applied toward the income tax for qualified property owners. In the latter situation, individuals not paying income tax may receive a refund of the property tax credit amount or no refund at all, depending on the tax laws of the jurisdiction. Most states determine eligibility for property tax relief by looking at combinations of age, income, disability and veteran status.

Sales Tax Information

Programs that provide information about state and local government taxes that are imposed on the retail sale of goods and services. Sales tax is generally a percentage of the sales price and is collected by the seller or service provider at the point of sale and remitted directly to the state. Also included are programs that provide information about sales tax refunds at state and local levels and sales tax holidays, i.e., specific periods of time during which there is a temporary sales tax exemption on certain items, e.g., merchandise such as clothing, footwear and computer equipment during a sales tax holiday prior to a new school year. Sales tax holidays have only been enacted by some states.

State Income Tax Information

Programs that provide information and guidance for individuals who need to understand the state tax laws as they apply to people in their situation.

State Tax Credit Information

Programs that provide information and guidance for families about the tax credits that are available in a number of states which are intended to provide financial relief for low-income parents and their children. Many states offer their own versions of the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and Child and Dependent Care Credit to complement the federal credits. Children may need to have a Social Security number for families to be eligible to receive state child tax credits and other eligibility criteria may apply.

Taxpayer Information Lines

Programs that provide telephone information for taxpayers who want to listen to prerecorded information about any of a variety of tax types, order tax forms, check the status of their refund, establish a monthly payment plan for outstanding tax liabilities, get information about available tax assistance programs, obtain assistance in completing their tax forms or request information or assistance on other related issues. Also included are organizations that make tax information available via a website on the Internet.
