Tuba City Community Based Outpatient Clinic


167 N Main St
Tuba City, AZ 86045

(928) 773-3972



Must be eligible veteran, but will treat emergency cases on a humanitarian basis and bill accordingly

Intake Process:

Call for eligibility, enrollment, and appointment; must bring DD-214 papers


Provides comprehensive primary care to veterans. Includes health screening, health promotion and maintenance, education, management of acute and chronic diseases, women's health, and immunizations.


Mon-Wed, Fri 8am-4:30pm

Program Fees:

Vary; based on veteran's eligibility and income


English, Spanish; resources available for Hopi, Navajo

Handicap Accessible?


Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

167 N Main St
Tuba City, AZ 86045


PO Box 600
Tuba City, AZ 86045-0600

Phone Numbers


(928) 773-3972

Mental Health Care Line

(928) 445-4860 x7500


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

September 2, 2024

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