Casa Grande Alliance


(520) 836-5022


Birth certificate, court document, crib card or picture ID needed for Diaper Assistance and Clothing Closet.

Intake Process:

Call, email, visit office or visit website


Community anti-drug coalition. Provides family resource center, substance abuse prevention education through workshops, public outreach, and presentations to schools, clubs, and businesses. Works to change public and social policy related to substance abuse and prevention. Mentors the development of new drug prevention coalitions across Arizona. Offers diaper assistance, food pantry, and clothing to those in need.


Mon-Fri 8am-4pm administration; Tue-Thu 4pm-7pm and Sat 10am-1pm food distribution, diaper assistance, and clothing closet

Program Fees:




Handicap Accessible?



Handicap ramp is 150 feet from the entrance of the building.


Accepts monetary and in-kind donations.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers help at community events, distribute materials to the public, and assist with community surveys. Accepts court ordered community service.

Related Resources

Date of Official Change:

August 1, 2024

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