Pima County Attorney's Office Victim Services Division


32 N Stone Ave
Ste 1400
Tucson, AZ 85701-1416

(520) 724-5525



Victim Witness Program - Pima County


Anyone who has been the victim of a crime or witness to a crime

Intake Process:



Mobile crisis unit provides 24-hour on-site crisis intervention for victims and witnesses of crime. Provides support, advocacy, case information, court accompaniment, and referrals for victims and witnesses of crime. Also provides funds through Victim Compensation Board to assist victims of crime with expenses incurred due to crime. Allowable expenses include medical, funeral, counseling, crime scene clean-up, and wage loss that resulted from the crime. Debriefs groups of people who have been affected by a crisis or disaster.


Mon-Fri 8am-5pm administration; 24-hours on-call

Program Fees:



English, Spanish

Handicap Accessible?



Accepts monetary donations.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers assist with on-scene crisis intervention and court advocacy to crime victims. They also review applications for compensation requests.

Address Listings


32 N Stone Ave
Ste 1400
Tucson, AZ 85701-1416

Physical (Primary)

32 N Stone Ave
Ste 1400
Tucson, AZ 85701-1416

Phone Numbers


(520) 724-5525


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

June 1, 2024

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