Arizona Friends of Foster Children Foundation


360 E Coronado Rd
Ste 190
Phoenix, AZ 85004-1652

(602) 252-9445


Children and youth with an open case with the AZ Department of Child Safety or Tribal foster care, have signed a voluntary agreement to stay in foster care after age 18 or have been in foster care in Arizona.

Intake Process:

Visit website for application. Accepts requests from foster parents, kinship caregivers, case workers, and Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) or a child in foster care.


Provides financial assistance for goods and services to help enhance self-esteem of foster children. Funds may be used for sports equipment, musical instruments and lessons, bicycles, recreation costs, school trips, graduation and prom expenses, scholarships for college or vocational school, and other items that directly benefit foster children. Assistance is not available for general household items, foster facility improvements, or other matters for which the state already provides funding.


Mon-Fri 8am-4pm

Program Fees:




Handicap Accessible?



Accepts monetary donations.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers perform clerical duties, assist with Keys to Financial Success financial literacy class and mentor youth successfully completing the course, write Notes of Encouragement to children and youth in care and assist with special events as needed. Court ordered community service accepted.

Address Listings


360 E Coronado Rd
Ste 190
Phoenix, AZ 85004-1652

Physical (Primary)

360 E Coronado Rd
Ste 190
Phoenix, AZ 85004-1652


Luis De La Cruz

Primary Contact

President and CEO

Date of Official Change:

January 1, 2024

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