Pima County Department of Environmental Quality Air Division


33 N Stone Ave
Ste 700
Tucson, AZ 85701-1429

(520) 724-7400



No restrictions

Intake Process:

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Works to preserve and improve air quality. Enforces local, state, and federal laws relating to air pollution control. Website provides information on the level of pollutants. Promotes public awareness of air quality issues, such as the relationship between automobile use, air pollution, and traffic congestion. Encourages the use of alternative modes of transportation. Develops and distributes educational material, brochures, and other printed information.


Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

Program Fees:

Vary by service


English, Spanish

Handicap Accessible?


Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

33 N Stone Ave
Ste 700
Tucson, AZ 85701-1429


33 N Stone Ave
Ste 700
Tucson, AZ 85701-1429

Phone Numbers


(520) 724-7400


(520) 838-7432


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

June 1, 2024

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