Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Dog Obedience Classes

Programs that provide classes for people who want to develop a basic understanding and control of their pets which usually focus on teaching dogs to obey verbal and leash commands, and which may include techniques for dealing with dogs who have behavior problems such as jumping on people, digging, barking, and chewing. Included are puppy classes and classes for older dogs.

Pet Assisted Therapy Workshops

Programs that provide training for individuals with small dogs or other gentle pets who want to participate in a pet assisted therapy program in which they visit people residing in hospitals, nursing facilities or other institutional settings who are ill or elderly or have disabilities; or who want go to schools, libraries and other settings and serve as reading companions for children. The workshops address animal assisted therapy techniques, basic obedience skills (such as "sit", "down", "stay", "walk with me", and "come") that are necessary for safe and successful therapy visits, the importance of each of the skills in a health care setting, and training in working with and around health care equipment. Some programs include an evaluation in which the dog must sit, stay, come, down, walk politely on a leash and be calm and friendly during all required tasks. Other pets must be friendly and well mannered.

Service Dog Training Instruction for Owners

Programs that provide training instructions for dog owners who want to train their own animals to become autism service dogs, dog guides, mobility assistance service dogs, psychiatric service dogs, seizure dogs, signal dogs or service animals that provide assistance for people with other types of disabilities. Also included are programs that provide training instructions for working with other types of animals.
