Wesley - Golden Gate Campus


1625 N 39th Ave
Golden Gate Community Center
Phoenix, AZ 85009-2149

(602) 233-0017



No restrictions

Intake Process:

Call, email, or visit center


Offers primary healthcare for families with or without health insurance, including family, prenatal, and pediatric care. Provides help applying for insurance and SNAP. Location also has community center offering various classes and activities, as well as child safety seat inspections and DES after-school and summer programs.


Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

Program Fees:

Vary; sliding scale for uninsured patients based on family income


English, Spanish

Handicap Accessible?


Address Listings


1300 S 10th St
Phoenix, AZ 85034-4598

Physical (Primary)

1625 N 39th Ave
Golden Gate Community Center
Phoenix, AZ 85009-2149


Community Center

Primary Contact



Car Seat Program

Health Center

Phone Numbers

Community Center

(602) 233-0017

Health Center

(602) 257-4323

Medical Records Request

(602) 368-9611

Refugee Patient Appointment Line

(602) 368-9605


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

April 1, 2024

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