Breakthrough Parents LLC


2323 E Greenlaw Ln
Suite 5B
Flagstaff, AZ 86004-1822

(928) 890-8343


Parents, including court-ordered

Intake Process:

Call, email, or visit website; distance learning available


Provides classes, coaching, and consultation to parents including those referred by the court. Services include life skills for parents and their families; information on stopping parent alienation; help understanding decision-making authority, parenting time, caregiving authority, and joint legal custody; preparation for court appearances; guidance on building healthy self-esteem in children; and information about effective communication. Distance learning includes educational programs about navigating court procedures, custody issues, stress management and reduction, parenting plans, and dealing with behavior issues with toddlers and teens.


Daily 7am-9pm

Program Fees:

Sliding scale $45-$175


English; Spanish available

Handicap Accessible?



Accepts monetary donations.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers help with clerical duties and marketing. Accepts court ordered community service.

Address Listings


2323 E Greenlaw Ln
Ste 5B
Flagstaff, AZ 86004-1822

Physical (Primary)

2323 E Greenlaw Ln
Suite 5B
Flagstaff, AZ 86004-1822


James A Schweikert

Primary Contact

Senior Instructor, Owner

Phone Numbers


(928) 890-8343

Customer Service

(310) 375-0440

Date of Official Change:

July 1, 2024

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