Tucson Pima Collaboration to End Homelessness


310 N Commerce Park Loop
Santa Rita Bldg Fl 1
Tucson, AZ 85745-2700

(520) 837-5331





Organizations, local governments, faith communities, and individuals who work with people experiencing homelessness, and people who have current or previous experience of homelessness

Intake Process:

Visit website for meeting schedules, membership application, and to download guides


Coalition of member community groups that work to meet the needs of people who are homeless throughout Pima County. Hosts training events for providers of homeless services. Produces the Pima County Need Help Guide; Heat Relief Guide; COVID-19 Unsheltered Resource Guide; and Guidelines on Getting Out booklet for ex-offenders. These can be downloaded from the website. Website also provides a link to the database which shows bed availability in local shelters and access points for people seeking housing assistance. Does not provide any direct assistance to individuals.


Mon-Fri 9am-4pm

Program Fees:



English, Spanish; other languages by arrangement

Handicap Accessible?



Current needs are donations of restaurant gift cards (Subway, McDonald's, etc.), bottles of water, hats, sunscreen, sunglasses, blankets, coats, and other warm clothing for adults and children. Also accepts monetary donations.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers serve on planning committee and workgroups. They also assist in the annual homeless point-in-time count each January.

Address Listings


310 N Commerce Park Loop
c/o COT HCD Fl 1
Tucson, AZ 85745-2700

Physical (Primary)

310 N Commerce Park Loop
Santa Rita Bldg Fl 1
Tucson, AZ 85745-2700



Primary Contact




Date of Official Change:

June 1, 2024

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