Arizona Supreme Court Foster Care Review Board - Phoenix


1501 W Washington St
Ste 128
Phoenix, AZ 85007-3231

(602) 452-3400


No restrictions

Intake Process:

Call, visit office, visit website, or write


Reviews the cases of children who are wards of the court and in out-of-home placement. Submits reports and advises the juvenile court on progress toward achieving permanent homes for them.


Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

Program Fees:



English; others available

Handicap Accessible?


Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers advocate for foster children in court. Volunteers must be age 21 or older, complete an application and interview, successfully pass a background check, complete 6 hours of new board member training, and dedicate approximately 6--8 hours a month. Does not accept court ordered community service volunteers.

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

1501 W Washington St
Ste 128
Phoenix, AZ 85007-3231


1501 W Washington St
Ste 128
Phoenix, AZ 85007-3231

Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

February 1, 2024

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