Eastern Arizona College Small Business Development Center


576 N College Ave
Thatcher, AZ 85552

(928) 428-8590



*EAC SBDC; Eastern Arizona College SBDC


No restrictions

Intake Process:

Call, email, visit office, or visit website


Provides free counseling/mentoring services for local small business and entrepreneurs in a wide variety of special areas of running a business, such as importing, exporting, technology, patents, international trade, and veteran-owned businesses. Offers workshops and seminars providing hands-on training in areas such as business planning, record-keeping, marketing, advertising, computer usage, and personnel management. Also provides customized training for employees on sales, customer service, bookkeeping, business legal environment, personnel and human resource issues, as well as other topics.


Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

Program Fees:




Handicap Accessible?


Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

576 N College Ave
Thatcher, AZ 85552


576 N College Ave
Thatcher, AZ 85552


Related Resource

Date of Official Change:

September 1, 2024

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