FIBCO Family Services, Inc


(480) 698-6453


Facilitating Independence Building Comprehensive Opportunities


No restrictions

Intake Process:

Call, visit office, or visit website


Provides information about and referrals to community resources. Provides limited case management and supplemental support services to promote self-sufficiency.


Tue, Wed, Fri 10:30am-12:30pm

Program Fees:



English, Spanish

Handicap Accessible?



Accepts monetary donations and donations of diapers, baby clothes, infant formula, school supplies, office supplies, computers, water, used clothes, shoes, travel size soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine hygiene products, new socks and undergarments, and blankets during business hours.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteers are needed as mentors to teen mothers and other youth, translators, child care workers, greeters, distribution center assistants, computer lab attendants, ESL instructors, and job readiness program support.

Related Resources

Date of Official Change:

March 1, 2024

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