Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Organizational Development and Management Delivery Methods

Organizational Consultation/Technical Assistance

Programs that assess the needs of nonprofit organizations, small businesses, government organizations and other groups and offer information, guidance and problem solving assistance regarding specific approaches that management and program staff can use to solve targeted problems and achieve stated goals and objectives. Consultants may help their clients diagnose organizational strengths and weaknesses, serve as experts in a particular area, identify best practices and mechanisms for disseminating them, facilitate processes in which staff of the organization consider a problem and define the solution, serve as a "coach" who helps staff discover and utilize their own experience and expertise to reach decisions, and/or take on specific work within the organization as an "extra pair of hands" augmenting available staff.

Organizational Training Services

Programs that offer training materials, packages or programs that are designed to increase the knowledge and skills of users or participants regarding particular management techniques or strategies or in a targeted programmatic or service delivery area. Included are programs that design customized training to meet the special needs of individual organizations as well as those that identify and address competencies or problems that are generally associated with the management of nonprofit organizations, the administration or delivery of human services or the operation of small businesses. Training may target prospective board members, current board members, chief executive officers, staff, corporations with nonprofit board service programs, funding organizations, management service organizations, training personnel or consultants working in the nonprofit sector.
