Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Networking/Relationship Building Support

Coalition Building

Programs that help nonprofit organizations, small businesses and other groups develop and/or participate in a temporary alliance of distinct parties who have come together for joint action or to work together for a common goal. Member organizations retain their own autonomy and make varying contributions to the alliance based on their resources and expertise. Coalitions are particularly effective when they are action oriented involving activities such as public policy advocacy, government lobbying, legislative initiatives or media campaigns.

Collaboration Development

Programs that help nonprofit organizations, small businesses and other groups develop or participate in temporary cooperative relationships in which two or more organizations agree to confer, share information or work together toward some mutual benefit while keeping their status as separate organizations and retaining their decision-making power and autonomy. Examples of collaborative efforts include information sharing, cooperative needs assessment activities, joint planning, program coordination, cooperative fundraising, shared staff or volunteers, joint purchasing, and implementation of cooperative support functions such as public relations, marketing, staff training and other activities that maximize the resources available to collaborative members.

Organizational Advocacy Program Development

Programs that help nonprofit organizations develop a better understanding of the legislative process, the laws that govern the nature and extent of their involvement in public policy development and lobbying activities, and the difference between lobbying and political activities; and learn effective strategies and techniques for engaging in community organizing, or planning, developing and implementing public policy positions and/or grassroots or direct lobbying campaigns that effectively further the goals of their organization or benefit the people they serve.
